
The Bridge: PRG UK’s new multi-purpose rehearsal space and studio


March 25, 2022

The Bridge is a brand new multi-purpose rehearsal space and studio at PRG UK.

The space has been designed to be completely flexible and has the power to support whatever your production needs. Located just next door to the PRG UK headquarters in Longbridge, the space richly benefits from a direct link to PRG’s wealth of equipment and expertise onsite. From truck splits and prep to full studio productions and pre-production rehearsals, The Bridge can deliver.

Production teams have complete privacy at The Bridge, with access to the space and the resources to run their projects through from planning to show day.

Backstage, it offers170 sq m office space including: a kitchen, showers, bathrooms, a green room and artist dressing rooms, plus production offices, a board room and a gallery viewing space.

Downstairs, The Bridge is home to a 17m by 35m clear floor production area with a 6.2m height clearance. Wall and ceiling drapes line the space and spray insulation has been provided to ensure heating and soundproofing. The space includes a 400A 3 Phase Powerlock, internet, 24 hour secure access, and parking for cars, tour buses and trailers.

“With the introduction of The Bridge to our Longbridge location, we are harnessing the power, space, technical capability and world-class experience of our business and people. It really is a flexible space that offers solutions for live event productions,” said Yvonne Donnelly Smith, Sales Director – Music, PRG UK.

To see how The Bridge can help your production, contact the team at

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