
Attitude is Everything launches guide to improve inclusion of deaf and disabled music industry worker


May 19, 2021

Attitude is Everything, an organisation dedicated to improving deaf and disabled people’s access to live music, has released the Accessible Employment Guide following research that suggests disabled people are underrepresented in the industry.

The charity’s research found that disabled people are underrepresented at all levels of the UK commercial music industry, despite growth in disabled audiences attending live music events and the fact that 19% of working adults are considered disabled under the Equality Act.

The free downloadable publication features first-hand insights from deaf and disabled people about the challenges they face in the workplace and changes to employment practices that can alleviate such barriers.

The guide also draws on focus group and survey findings and offers tips on how to attract deaf and disabled workers with advice on issues such as job interviews, accessible meetings and suggested adjustments to office and work environments.

Attitude Is Everything head of volunteering and skills development Paul Hawkins said, “Our research shows that Deaf and disabled people face barriers applying for jobs in the music industry and that many of those with impairments or health conditions who do work in the industry are concerned about the consequences of identifying themselves as disabled, especially if they are freelance or not insecure employment.”

UK Music chief executive Jamie Njoku-Goodwin said, “Around 12% of people working in the music business have an impairment or long-term health condition, according to the UK Music Workplace Diversity survey.

“The music industry should lead the way when it comes to ensuring that everyone with an impairment has the opportunity to forge a successful career in a sector that employs 200,000 people and contributes £5.8bn to the economy. UK Music is committed to continue to work with Attitude Is Everything and our members to ensure that our vibrant industry fully reflects the diversity of the UK.”

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